
Responsible action

Ever since Madre Coraje was created, we have used recycling as our main funding source –which allows us to remain independent when it comes to the actions and projects we choose to support– and as a way to respect the environment –by raising awareness about waste management and responsible consumption.

The latest recycling initiative we have embarked on is our new tech and appliance recycling center in JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA –the Center for Preparation to Reuse (CPR). Several appliance brands donate to us some products that they used to destroy, and we give them a second life –a new opportunity to be enjoyed.

In Madre Coraje, we collect many different items that we then recycle o re-use:


Click here to learn more about the recycling cycle of the clothes you donate to Madre Coraje.

Cooking oil

Click here to learn more about the recycling cycle of the cooking oil you donate to Madre Coraje.

Click here to learn more about our work related to cooking oil.

Other items

  • healthcare,
  • toys,
  • books,
  • school supplies,
  • x-rays,
  • ctoner and printer ink packs,
  • paper,
  • mobile phones.

Madre Coraje is accredited by the regional authorities (Junta de Andalucía) for Management and Transportation of Urban Waste, with GRU327-R-T-N and AN 0786. We also have an ISCC certification about compliance with EU directives related to renewable energies.

Sustainably produced biomass.

It is our goal that most of the items donated to Madre Coraje have a second life, either in Peru, Mozambique or Spain, by selling them in our charity shops or by donating them to those in need.

If for some reason, some items are not able to be re-used or transformed, we give them to other companies who, in some cases, will help us finance our projects and actions.

Bring the items you want to donate to your closest Madre Coraje branch, or find your nearest Madre Coraje collection bin!

In addition to collecting items in our branches and partner centers, we have many clothes and oil bins on the streets of many towns and cities to help citizens collaborate in recycling and reusing these materials.


Call us to  900 11 44 44 (free inside Spain)
or or we can call you