Education for Development

University Program

University Program

This program ended in December 2018 after three and a half years of duration, and has contributed to include transformative EfD with a gender equity approach in the Andalusian Universities.

In order to achieve this, Madre Coraje’s EfD team carried our training courses in several universities of Andalusia, all the while receiving training in methodologies from the Education Cooperative La Espiral. This way, a process of continuous learning and assessment has been generated, which in turn has enriched the EfD activities at the Universities. Madre Coraje has created a tool for assessing the impact of EfD interventions.

In addition, an external evaluation of the program has been carried out by the company PROEVAL. You can read the evaluation report or the executive summary. The external evaluation highlights the following positive results: high level of fulfillment of the expected results, efficient expense management, sustainability of actions, high level of appropriation by the project participants. The following aspects have room for improvement: difficulty to measure impact because of design flaws in the program, in need of better specification on how to implement the gender approach.

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